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How to Earn Yield

Earning yield on Nevellus is connected to being a liquidity provider, but it is also different because you earn $NVLS token rewards. Our yield farms are branded on Nevellus as Enceladus. You can take a look at the current Enceladus pair options at Enceladus Platform.

When new pools are added to the Enceladus, their yields are quite high and as more users enter the yield pairs, the APY balances out, as shown in the screenshot above.

Yield Farming & Enceladus

Step 1. Head over to Nevellus Home and Launch App.

Step 2. Connect your wallet to Nevellus (make sure you have some Ethereum to cover gas fees!)

Step 3. You need to add liquidity to the yield farming pair first. You can do so by following the steps in the How to Add & Remove Liquidity section or by supplying directly on the Enceladus Platform page in the Liquidity tab.

Step 4. Select the farm or Enceladus pair you wish to join and deposit your NVLP (Nevellus LP Token) tokens into the farm by entering the amount you wish to add or by clicking Max and click Deposit

Step 5. Approve the relevant fees and start growing your $NVLS! Farming will happen immediately once the transaction completes.

On Nevellus Home, you can enter a Enceladus yield farm. Enceladus pairs are temporary farms that are allocated bonus $NVLS rewards through allocation points. Allocation points are allotted based on a number of quantitative and qualitative factors, such as sentiment and market capitalization. Usually, the higher the interest rate in relation to the total value of the farm means the higher the allocation points.

Please note that $NVLS rewards no longer have any vesting or lockup period.

Since farming is related to liquidity providing, is it important to note that the same impermanent loss risks are still present.

Exiting Enceladus

Once a temporary Enceladus pair is no longer bearing yield, you will probably want to remove your position.

Step 1. Head over to Nevellus Home and Launch App.

Step 2. Connect your wallet to Nevellus (make sure you have some Ethereum to cover gas fees!)

Step 3. Click the Farm tab and wait for My Farms to load with your current positions.

Step 4. Select the farm or Nevellus pair you wish to no longer participate in and click the toggle under Staking to the minus sign (the percentages will turn pink if done correctly). Select the percentage you would like to remove (or select MAX for all of it) and then Confirm Withdraw

Step 5. Approve the transaction from your wallet and you’re all set!